Northland Property Investors' Association


Welcome to the web pages of the Northland Property Investors' Association. 

For all communication please email the Northland Property Investor's Office Administrator

The NPIA is a group of  like minded property investors. From beginners to the experienced, our members are passionate about investing in their education and their future wealth creation. We encourage our members to attend meetings, and increase their knowledge of how to build a successful Property Portfolio. 
Our Association strives to promote the responsibility Landlords have to their clients to provide quality properties and services. We have the services of Scotney Williams, Tenancy Practices, which is a FREE information and advice service for our members regarding issues with tenancies.  And all this starting with an annual subscription of only $200.00. Go to Membership Information to find out what the benefits are for joining.

The NPIA committee works hard to ensure each of the ten meetings (held Feb – Nov) is of interest to our members and pertinent to the market times. Our meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month. The venue is in the Northland Club, 8 Porowini Avenue, Whangarei.  Members attend FREE!  Go to membership to learn all the benefits of joining our Association.


Sponsors & Partners

Kris Pedersen Mortgages