Membership Benefits
By joining you get to meet and mix with other property investors and be kept informed on what is happening with property in the local region. We also have a short ice breaker session at the beginning of each meeting to discuss topical questions or events.
Annual subscription costs are listed below and you have the choice of getting the NZ Property Magazine (endorsed by the Federation)
Non members are welcome to attend for one free speaker presentation night, after that we trust we will receive your Subscription For more information email
Come along to our next meeting and introduce yourself at our new members table. Click on about us for details.
Northland Property Investors Association meet monthly from February to November.
The dates for the scheduled meetings are on the Events page. Our regular venue is the Northland Club, 8 Porowini Avenue, Whangarei, unless otherwise stated. Usually, we meet on the last Wednesday of the month @ 7.00pm.
These meetings are very informative and it is highly recommended that you attend to obtain the most up to date information and have the opportunity to ask questions.
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