A NZPIF Easter Special offer is made to all members. This is a 25% price reduction for Unovent Home Ventilation Kitsets which has become available until 25 April, 2016 20-03-2016 more >>
The Government has requested formal proposals from four respondents looking to purchase and manage social houses in Tauranga and Invercargill, Ministers Bill English and Paula Bennett say 17-03-2016 more >>
The Government has approved nine new Special Housing Areas (SHAs) proposed by the Nelson City Council that will fast-track 417 additional homes, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith announced today. 05-03-2016 more >>
Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett has today announced details of the Government’s $2 million contribution to increasing the emergency housing supply in Auckland. 02-03-2016 more >>
Increased spending on maintenance by Housing New Zealand’s is making its Waikato properties better places to live, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says 27-02-2016 more >>
The Government’s wide-ranging support for Christchurch has ensured the city’s housing market is nearing recovery five years on from the Canterbury earthquakes, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett and Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith said today 22-02-2016 more >>
Due to insulation becoming compulsory in July, the NZPIF believe that the cost of the insulation should be tax deductible. To confirm this, last year the NZPIF requested clarification from the IRD. 22-02-2016 more >>
Jonno Ingerson, Director of Research at Corelogic NZ Ltd, says that Auckland values have dropped in the last month according to the latest QV house price index. Values in areas near Auckland continue to increase strongly while further South, things are a little patchier. 10-02-2016 more >>
Community Housing Aotearoa says that insulation is only half the answer in improving rental housing and that you still need to heat the house. "In fact it isn't even half the answer" says NZ Property Investors' Federation Executive Officer, Andrew King 27-01-2016 more >>
New Zealand is not the only country where people think that rental property owners are forcing people to be tenants. The UK Government has introduced tax changes aimed at forcing people out of owning rental property (termed buy-to-let in the UK) and reducing competition for first home buyers. 25-01-2016 more >>
The December 2015 Social Housing Register shows that better understanding applicant’s particular needs is housing more vulnerable people, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says. 22-01-2016 more >>
It has been suggested that landlords are responsible for rental property overcrowding and even hot-bedding, but this is unlikely to be the case. 19-01-2016 more >>
By popular request from NZPIF members, the 25% price reduction for Unovent Home Ventilation Kitsets has become available until February 5, 2016, and is an exclusive offer for members of Property Investors' Associations affiliated to the NZPIF. It is for any size kitset (any number of room outlets) and for any quantity of kitsets. 18-01-2016 more >>