New Zealand’s housing supply problem appears to be improving, albeit slowly. Nationwide building work rose 1.8% by volume in the December quarter, on top of an almost 10% jump the quarter before. 06-03-2013 more >>
Auckland house prices did not shoot up in February because there were many more new listings on the market compared to the month before, Barfoot and Thompson says. 05-03-2013 more >>
Gisborne is the only region in New Zealand that experienced a house price drop in the year ended December, according to ASB’s latest Main Report regional economic scoreboard. 04-03-2013 more >>
Listings are still not keeping up with demand in most regions of New Zealand, according to’s report for February. 04-03-2013 more >>
After last months article on housing affordability, where I looked at reasons why we do not have a housing crisis, I started to wonder if in fact anyone who was employed could own a home. 01-03-2013 more >>
Imposing restrictions on loan-to-value ratios on home loans would have the opposite effect of what is intended, says BNZ’s chief economist. 01-03-2013 more >>
New Zealand home-building consents fell in January because a drop in the number of apartment approvals offset gains in other types of dwellings. 28-02-2013 more >>
The government is looking at formalising Reserve Bank proposals to rein in credit growth, including restrictions on loan-to-value ratios, Finance Minister Bill English said today. 27-02-2013 more >>
Rental property is still the asset seen as most likely to provide the best returns, according to ASB’s latest investor confidence survey. 26-02-2013 more >>
ASB’s latest housing confidence survey shows fewer people think now is a good time to buy – but investors be won’t among them, according to Auckland Property Investors Association president David Whitburn. 25-02-2013 more >>
Rental yields have dropped in all regions over the past two decades but some have experienced steeper falls than others, according to ANZ. 22-02-2013 more >>
Wealthier overseas buyers would benefit from the introduction of loan-to-value restrictions on property, says the president of the Auckland Property Investors Association. 20-02-2013 more >>
Well-built, non-leaky apartments are likely to increase in value because of the collapse of Mainzeal, property commentator Olly Newland says. 15-02-2013 more >>